Mobile App


The MLC app provides real-time access to conversations and the ability to intercept chats with human services. It is available to download from both the Google and Apple app stores, as well as on desktop.

The application MyLINK Connect allows human agents to seamlessly intercept and handle escalated conversations from any Connect chatbot. [HM1] Agents can be granted access to multiple chatbots at any given time. This approach allows businesses to benefit from more effective conversation management, direct access to real-time customer conversations and the ability to reduce conversation journey’s by escalating to human support when complexities arise.

Message Templates

Templates can be made within the MLC platform to support routine responses. This is often most vital in customer service use cases where standardised responses may be required and potentially be legally binding. These templates can be accessed and used by agents interjecting into conversations within the mobile and desktop app. Customers find that script templates are great for saving time for both agents and users alike.

Examples include:

‘Thank you for reaching out to *Brand Name*. An agent is currently reviewing your previous comments and will respond to you shortly.’

‘Thank you for using our chat services today, your log case number is XXXX1234’

‘Hi my name is *agent name* it looks like you need some help with xxxx. I will be happy to help you further’

Supported devices

IOS - Support from version 11

Android - Support from Android V5


New message real-time notifications

All agents with app access will receive live notifications of escalated messages that require human intervention.

All MyLINK Connect channels are supported.

The app provides human agents direct access to conversations from any MLC chatbot, no matter which channel it has been deployed eg. WhatsApp and SMS.

Multiple simultaneous bots(queues) [HM2] [GT3] andOperator Groups (Skills or Functions)[HM4] [GT5]

When multiple chats require human intervention through the app, queues will be formed to allow agents to easily work through and manage conversations. Operator Groups describe the type of operator that may need to respond to specific queries. For example, a customer service group will handle support queries whilst a sales group will manage conversations relating to sales and purchases.


Start New Conversation

Agents are able to start new conversations by contacting any chatbot user on any channel (if channel permits cold-contact).

One to one Users / Agent conversation

Once escalated, the conversation between agent and user will be on a 1:1 basis.

Full Conversation History

Agents will be able to review all conversation history from a user allowing them to better manage and understand the user’s journey and context of their current needs.

Conversation Content Search

A free-search function will allow agents to trace specific content mentioned within conversations. This improves the speed and efficiency of support that can be provided. Conversations can also be filtered by tags, priority, and status: ‘taken over’ or ‘requesting’.

Take Over and Hand Over Control to Bot

Agents can interject, and take over conversations based on any trigger deemed appropriate by your organization. This may be as simple as a user requesting human support, or automatically provided should your bot not understand your user’s requests.

Forget (Delete) User[HM6] [GT7]

To comply with data requirements user details can be deleted at any time. Once deleted, the user’s details will not be held by the Connect and will need to be reinstated if required again.

Additional storage comments:

· Every exchange between a bot and human is recorded and stored

· All interactions are deleted automatically within a 30-day window

· You may request to increase (or decrease) this window duration

· Agents can choose to manually delete a conversation

Operator Chat

Agents with app connections can utilise various chat functionalities to better aid their support offering. These are all detailed below:

Simple text message

A simple, uncapped message can be sent to a user. Although uncapped, we recommend keeping content as concise as possible to reduce reader-fatigue and potential engagement loss. Additional functionality below can also help reduce this fatigue.

Quick text templates

Quick-response templates can be pre-made to help agents respond quickly and concisely where repetition is often found.

Complex Send Message Broadcast


Agents can attach and share documents with users. These can be useful when providing the likes of instructions or forms to be completed.

Images from gallery

Images uploaded to the app’s gallery can also be shared via the app. These can be used to improve brand awareness and also to support conversations with the likes of screenshots for technical assistance. A collection of photos can also be uploaded to form a carousel, which is then presented to the user.

Take Photo

App users, with the device’s permission, will be able to take live photos and share this with users too. Customers may find these useful digital interactions with in-store colleagues for example.

Video from gallery

Agents can share videos uploaded to the app’s gallery. This is often useful for video demonstrations or walk-throughs.

Documents from storage

Current GPS Location

Agents can share live GPS locations to users to help direct them. This tool is very useful for store and event support.

Voice Audio Recording

To support accessibility needs, voice recordings can also be made by agents and shared with users.

Displayed Chat Contents

The following details describe the type of content users may be able to see and interact with when in conversation with a human agent from the app. The application of these may vary depending on the deployment channel.


Simple text messages, written by agents will be visible to chat users.


Users will have access to buttons they can select. These are used to build their conversation flow and ensure they follow their required user journey. Buttons provide fast and efficient ways for users to respond to conversation requests.


Images will be visible to user.


Users will be able to watch videos shared by agents. These are useful ways to provide demonstrations and longer content types or instructions.


Audio files can be accessed and listened to by users.

Single Card

A single card will contain an image file and accompanying text.

Carousel Card

A carousel card will contain up to 10 cards [HM8] [GT9] that can be swiped through and accompanying text below.

Last updated