Go To Action

This action will redirect the conversation flow to another interaction inside the current behaviour or to an interaction in a completely different behaviour.


The action uses the following settings:


Both target behaviour and interaction are parsed to allow for fully dynamic variable based redirection.

If this action fails because of missing interaction or target MyLINK Connect will just ignore the issue an move to the next action in the current queue.

Variables can be specified and combined in the Behaviour and Interaction fields. Using variables you can create dynamic Go-To actions that are based on variable values.

MyLINK Connect is automatically detecting multiple chained jumps or infinite loops. Currently after 25 flow movements per single request, execution is suspended and the result returned to the chatbot.


This action does not have any trigger.


This action produces the following variables after being triggered:


Channel specific availability follows the table below:

This action can be used only inside interactions and not as child of other actions.

Last updated