Variable Switch Action

Use this action to execute operations based on the value of an existing variable. You can, for example, change the conversation flow redirecting the user to a different interaction.


The action uses the following settings:


The Control Value field supports multiple values checking in a single action. You can use a pipe (|) symbol to check multiple possible values. So to match this is awesome and this is great, you can enter this is awesome|this is great in Control Value.

Additionally, the value of the selected variable name will be automatically split by ; and checked against all the possible values. Keep that in mind when using concatenate.

Numeric criteria like Greater Than, Lesser Than or Between will always automatically attempt a conversion of the selected variable value to a number. If the variable is empty or the conversion to a number fails, the value will be assumed to be 0 (zero). So, as an example, if the variable test is empty, a conditional switch checking if value equal to 0 (zero) will return true.


On Condition Met. This action will trigger any child operation as the condition set by criteria and value is met.


This action produces the following variables after being triggered:


Channel specific availability follows the table below:

This action can be used only inside interactions and not as child of other actions.

Further Reading

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