Random Split Action
This action will be randomly triggered by a specific threshold. Use this action to create split tests or random chat flow splits in the conversation.
The action uses the following settings:
Each Random Split action will run on a single chance roll for every interaction executed. This means that you're not limited to a simple A/B split but you can mix and match multiple Random Split action to do A-to-N splits or even weighted splits.
This is a simple A/B split setup:
Moving the splits percentages, you can obtain a weighted split:
Adding multiple splits you can achieve multiple path splits, even with weighted routes:
MyLINK Connect will not enforce a 100% total on all splits. You can still have a given, single percent split and let the flow continue:
If the total of all the splits on an interaction amount to more than 100%, the splits that surpass it won't be executed.
Threshold Met. This action will trigger any child operation as the selected threshold value is met during the random roll.
This action does not produce any variable.
Channel specific availability follows the table below:
This action can be used only inside interactions and not as child of other actions.
Further Reading
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