Data Retention

As a default settings, any user information (where available) and conversation captured by a chatbot within any of the available channels, is being persisted on MyLINK Connect storage.

MyLINK Connect storage is provided by a secure cloud infrastructure based in EU.

The lifetime of the persistent storage is limited by the type of the account subscription and it ranges between 1 to 9 months.

Additionally, each and every conversation is built around a number of different information that are kept by MyLINK Connect according to the following table:




Forever. Contacts are deleted manually.

Contact Variables

Forever. Contact Variables are deleted manually.


Depending on your Account license retention (30 days by default).

Media Files from Chat

Depending on your Account license retention (30 days by default).

Bot Statistics

Depending on your Account license retention (30 days by default).


15 days

10 days or 256 entries

15 days or 1,000 entries

Broadcast Logs

15 days or 1,000 entries

Bot Runtime Logs

15 days or 1,000 entries

Automatic Backups

Last 5 Publishing Backups are kept forever

15 days for deletion based backups.

Data is removed from the platform on a daily basis.

Last updated