Url Filtering Syntax

Url Filtering is a way of joining multiple filters in a Url request so that MyLINK Connect Database API Interface can dynamically extract or delete documents from a given collection.

An Url filter is always composed by a field name, a comparison criteria, a value and, if necessary, a logical operator. As a general example, the following string represents a filter searching for all products with discount greater than 10:


Using logical operators, multiple filters can be applied in both OR and AND. The following filter example will affect all documents with discount greater than 10 and product_code starting with TEST:


The following table contains the full list of all the applicable criteria:




Equal To


Not Equal To


Greater Than


Greater or Equal To


Lesser Than


Lesser or Equal To


Is Null


Has a value




Does Not Contain


Starts With


Does Not Start With


Ends With


Does Not End With

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