General Settings

The settings page of your chatbot allows you to change or review many global aspects of your chatbot.

Bot Name

This is the name of your bot inside MyLINKConnect. Your chatbot may actually have a completely different name on other platforms depending for example on the page name for Facebook or on the bot name for telegram. The name you choose here is just for your reference inside MyLINK Connect. It is also possible to rename the bot on any subpage by double-clicking on the name and then pressing Enter. You can, however, retrieve the the value specified here at runtime by accessing the bot_name variable.

Bot Description

This is a general description of the chatbot. It can be whatever you like.

Enable Type Speed

This flag will either turn on or off type speed simulation for your chatbot. If this flag is enabled, MyLINK Connect will automatically add idle indicators to your chatbot text bubbles to simulate someone typing instead of immediately send all data to the chat window.

Words Per Minute

This is the amount of words per minute that your chatbot will be able to write if the Enable Type Speed flag is enabled. We recommend to use a number much higher than standard, human capable typing speed as the final user can easily move away while waiting for content to appear.


You can upload your chatbot avatar here. This image will be used in the global chatbot list page and as default avatar in the Web Channel configuration. Other channels will still be using the avatar image that is chosen on the specific channel configuration (e.g. Facebook will still use your page avatar).

Last updated