
To enable your phone based chatbot on Voximplant follow the steps below:

  • Signup for a Voximplant account

  • On your home page, after logging in, go to the Settings menu on the left

  • From this section, move to the API Keys section

  • Copy both Account id and API Key into the same fields of your MyLINK Connect Phone Voice Channel dialog

  • From the MyLINK Connect Phone Voice Channel select which voice you would like your bot to use and what language your users are expected to speak.

  • Click on save and then on publish

  • Xenioo will automatically setup for you everything you need on your account

The steps below are not automated as you are required to actually buy a phone number for the country you wish and (in some cases) provide a number of additional information.

  • After the publish is completed, go back to your Voximplant account and select the Applications section

  • You should find an Application created for you by MyLINK Connect . Click on it to enter your application.

  • Once you are inside your application details select the Numbers option from the menu

  • Select the Available section and click on Buy a number

  • After you've a number, click on the number and attach it to the current application

  • That's it! Your voice chatbot is ready!

Last updated