Set Variable Action

This action will attach a new variable to the user profile or update the value of an existing one. Variables can be used to hold values, change chat text and redirect the conversation flow.


The action uses the following settings:

Mode can have one of the following values:


If a math operation mode (e.g. Multiply) is used on a variable containing text, the value of the variable will be reset to the specified value. For example if you multiply for 4 a variable containing the value "hello", the variable will contain 4.

The Normalize to Entity Value operation can be used to transform a variable value to the base value of any entity currently defined in the AI section. As an example, let's say you've an entity called city_name defined like this:

new york (ny, big apple)
washington (dc, the capital)

Using the Normalize to Entity Value operation on a variable containing "dc" will transform the value to "washington" automatically.

The Remove Entity Value operation will remove every occurrence of a given entity value (and synonyms) from the value. This can be used to quickly remove "noise" words from a sentence.

Variables can be set to contain multi-line text by using newline escaping with \\r and \\n.


This action has no triggers.


This action does not produce any variable.


Channel specific availability follows the table below:

This action can be used only inside interactions and not as child of other actions. Any account can use this action regardless of subscription level.

Last updated